
Hotfix 0.8.6 is out!


KR4 Alpha 0.8.6

KR4 0.8.6

As expected 0.8.5 was a difficult release for us; Man the Gun, while adding many wonderful new things, is a compatibility nightmare. Luckily, the worst is behind us and we’ve been able to fix many of the issue that slipped by us. We’ve also taken time to work on the music mod, watch out over the next few days for an update to it too!

The KR4 team





Added Decisions to:


Added Nepal annexation event for Indian countries为印度地区国家添加了尼泊尔吞并事件



New infantry textures for CSA, AUS, and White RutheniaUoB units now properly use the Commonwealth infantry texturesAll Pre-MtG Nation-specific Naval Hull GFXs are now added back in-game with a few new ones为CSA,AUS,与白鲁塞尼亚添加了新的步兵模型UoB的单位现在会正常的使用英联邦步兵模型所有MtG版本前的海军科技图片将加回游戏,同时我们还加了点新的

Music Mod:


Massive changes incoming in the next few days, keep an eye out!The changes will be added here when they come out, so don’t worry about needing to hunt for them过几天就会大改,睁大眼睛等着吧!等到发出的时候改动会写在这里,所以你不用担心找不到它们



Some more changes to the American Civil War:The CSA will get a handful of militia units on its eastern border a day after the war begins, if USA maintains control over New York CityAll ACW countries can gain cores on claimed USA lands during the war, if they maintain full control over them long enough (and if they neighbor an existing core)All recruitment decisions now have visual indicators on the mapIf a state changes control while it’s in the process of recruiting, the recruiter will be able to immediately switch to recruiting elsewhere rather than waiting for the decision to endUSA now actually transfers ships to the PSA instead of deleting their entire navy and re-spawning itA player USA is no longer automatically weakened in the ACW, like CSA and AUS in the last releaseThe event which kicks off the ACW now fires from the option rather than in the immediate, so any delay caused by a player response doesn’t penalize themThe AI will now only break the Deal with the Devil if the enemy country is gone or their partner is at over 80% surrender. Otherwise they will wait for the regular checkpointSome tweaks to shorten the war between Nejd and Jabal ShammarSome more AI tweaking of Germany, to prevent it from being quite so adherent to its French borderGermany will now abandon its guarantee of Don-Kuban if they refuse access to Russia when it’s seeking a route to GeorgiaCanada no longer releases African countries unless the United Kingdom already existsAI should now upgrade their naval variants more oftenTransferred a military factory to New Zealand from the mainlandIf Greece is still in the Belgrade Pact when the revolt occurs, the revolter will get a few extra unitsWhen Delhi capitulates, it is simply dropped from the Entente rather than the country holding the capital getting to annex it outrightKurdistan gets a claim on Mosul when granted it by the Ottoman peace dealShortened the opening focus of Dutch foreign policy to seven daysChanged some male-specific minister traits to have gender neutral namesAustria now cannot invite Greece into the Donau-Adriabund if they applied sanctions against Greece, not solely if Greece nationalized their mines对美国内战做了点改动如果USA维持了对纽约市的控制,在内战开始数天后,CSA将在它的东部边境得到少量民兵师在长时间占领一个地区之后,所有的美国内战参与者都能在战时得到他们宣称土地的核心(当然首先它必须与核心地区接壤)现在所有的征募决议都会在地图上显示地点如果在征募时地区控制权发生变更,你可以将征募改在别处进行,而不是等着决议走完USA现在会直接给PSA转让船只,而不是删除了之后重新刷给PSA玩家操控的USA将不再被自动削弱,就像上版本的CSA和AUS 一样美国内战将由事件的选项引发,而不是在事件出来的时候就即时触发,这样那些手慢的玩家就不会吃亏啦只有在共同的敌人消失,或者合作者投降进度超过80%时,AI才会废除“与恶魔的交易”。否则他们只会等着前两个条件满足。一些调整,用以缩短內志与杰拜勒舍迈尔之间的战争对德国AI的调整,让它不那么专注于将兵力放在法国边境如果在俄罗斯寻求一条前往格鲁吉亚的路径时,如果顿河库班联盟拒绝让路,德国将撤销他们的独立保障除非联合王国已经存在,加拿大将无法释放非洲国家AI将更频繁的更新他们的海军设计方案将一个军工从澳大利亚大陆搬到了新西兰如果叛乱发生时希腊仍在贝尔格莱德协定内,叛军将得到少量增援当德里政府投降时,它会离开协约国,而不是让占据德里的国家吞并它库尔德斯坦将因奥斯曼的和平条约得到摩苏尔的宣称缩短了荷兰外交政策开头国策的时间那些具有男性特征的部长技能名称将更加的中性化只有在希腊国有化他们的矿脉,然后奥地利对其实施禁运后,希腊才不能被奥地利邀请进多瑙-亚得里亚联盟



Notable Fixes


Air Doctrine now uses Air XP rather than Army XP(Re)Enabled building nuclear reactorsThe naval tech screen should now no longer be cut off in lower resolutionsFixed a “flicker” that could occur with flags at the medium zoom level when zooming in and out, which for some users would also stay with that way空军学说现在用空军经验加速,而不是陆军经验(重新)允许建造核反应堆海军科技页面不再因低分辨率而被拦腰截断修复了放缩视距时中等视距旗帜的“闪烁”问题,因为有些玩家会经常放缩视距(后一句我怎么翻都有一股嘲讽的味道?)

Other Fixes


Fixed Rashidi generals gained after victory with Nejd not getting portraitsReworked Indian war focuses so they should now take less time to complete and be used more often by the AISiberian annexation event now fired properlyFixed bad state ID in the Claim Lika decision for Italian countriesNo longer possible to release half the world as West IndiesFixed West Indies bug for “tapping into American markets”White Ruthenia’s cavalry no longer called “Cavalry Expertise”Fixed several Nejd focuses which required areas to be owned by Jabal Shammar instead of itselfSouth African civil war victory event no longer specifically about Pretoria or Cape Town (since they are no longer the only way for the rebel to achieve victory)Fixed a Jabal Shammar tooltip not having locBill C7 focus for Canada can no longer be canceledFixed a couple of bad Dutch event picsUoB now use RNS instead of HMS for ship suffix (not sure how it got there as we’re pretty sure it was RNS before)Fixed missing localisation for united fruit company effects in guatemala and Foreign company influence in military central americaFixed Caribbean federation focus that was uncompletableFixed Indochinese decision localizationDemocratic Sweden will no longer release a free Norway as a syndicalist nationThe Netherlands can no longer help the boers by hosting them until their civil war is overFixed an instance where one would get a generic if the Dutch syndicalists and radical socialists would form a coalitionAdded missing event localisation for a Dutch eventAdded sanity checks to the Belgian focus treeMECAR and Minerva are now locked behind a focus in FlandersIceland now gives military access to Canada, rather than the other way aroundFixed a peace conference issue where countries not in a faction could get stuck on trying to take a claim of a puppetFixed event transferring African states owned by Germany to MittelafrikaAdded some fixes and AI pathing to focus trees of Sardinia and TransamurIkhwan revolt now only transfers states to itself which Saudi Arabia actually owns, and its cores are now removed once the revolt is defeatedSocialist Norway will no longer suffer perpetually under labour unrestExtended National France’s claims on the metropole to the part that is occupied by the Prussians meaning they receive it should Germany be defeated by the entente.Germany’s starting army now has proper division names修复了战胜內志后获得的拉希德将军没有头像的问题重做印度战争国策,他们现在花费更少的时间,能让AI更频繁的使用它们吞并西伯利亚的事件现在可以正常触发了修复了意大利国家“宣称利卡”决议里错误的地区ID西印度联邦不再能够释放半个世界修复了西印度联邦“进军美国市场”国策的bug白鲁塞尼亚的骑兵不再叫做“Cavalry Expertise”修复了一些內志的国策,因为它们需求杰拜勒舍迈尔拥有的地区,而不是內志的南非内战胜利事件将不再特意提到比勒陀利亚或开普敦(因为攻占它们并不是叛军获胜的唯一方式)修复了一个没有文本的杰拜勒舍迈尔提示加拿大的C7法案不会再中途取消了修复了一些荷兰事件的配图错误UoB现在使用RNS而不是HMS作为船只的前缀(鬼知道咋回事,明明之前我们都是用RNS的)修复了危地马拉的联合水果公司的效果,以及军政府中美洲外国公司影响丢失的描述修复了加勒比联邦一些无法完成的国策修复了印度支那的决议文本民主瑞典将不再释放一个自由的工团挪威除非内战已经结束,荷兰人将无法收留布尔人流亡政府修复了类如荷兰工团主义者与激进社会主义者组成联合政府时,读取通用国策的问题为一个文本缺失的荷兰事件添加了文本为比利时国策树添加了合适的检测条件MECAR与Minerva现在由弗兰德斯的国策解锁现在是冰岛给加拿大军事通行权,而不是反过来加拿大给冰岛修复了和平谈判的一些bug,不在阵营中的国策在为傀儡夺取宣称时可能会卡住修复了将德国控制的非洲领土转交给德属中非的事件修正了萨丁尼亚与外阿穆尔的AI执行国策的顺序伊赫万叛乱现在只会移交沙特阿拉伯拥有的省份,而它的核心将在叛乱被击败后移除社会主义挪威将不再一直遭受工人暴乱的影响增多了国民法兰西对德国夺走的法国本土宣称,这样当协约国击败德国时国民法兰西将获得他们德国开局的部队现在都拥有了正确的名字

We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8.6 as much as we did making it!

希望你Kaiserreich 0.8.6玩的和我们开发时一样开心!

– The KR4 Team: Blackfalcon501, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Imhungry5462, JacKob, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Kracc, Krčo, Maltesefalcon, MantisToboggan, Medizine, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Rinbro, Roniius, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaország, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1, Zaddy-Chan and Zankoas


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